Gausta API

Get POI for food truck

Example showing position on Google Maps

Response data

Info: Day in opening hours periods: [0=Monday ... 6=Sunday]

    "position": {
        "lat": 59.88134002685547,
        "lng": 8.737348556518555,
        "last_updated": "2021-01-26 07:30:02"
    "marker": "https:\/\/\/img\/m\/foodtruck.png?v=1",
    "title": "Foodtruck",
    "description": "Eat lunch right on the slope with a new view every day. This winter Gausta premieres a pist machine converted to a food truck, able to move around to a new position in the ski center every day.",
    "description_en": "Eat lunch right on the slope with a new view every day. This winter Gausta premieres a pist machine converted to a food truck, able to move around to a new position in the ski center every day.",
    "description_sv": "\u00c4t lunch i backen med ny utsikt varje dag! I vinter f\u00e5r Gausta en pistmaskin ombyggd till foodtruck som kommer att f\u00f6rflytta sig i systemet.",
    "description_no": "Spis lunsj i bakken med ny utsikt hver dag! I vinter kan du kj\u00f8pe lunsj fra en prepareringsmaskin som er bygd om til en matbil, og som flyttes rundt i skisystemet.",
    "image": "https:\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2018\/10\/shanice-garcia-39655-unsplash-kopiera-4.jpg",
    "url": "https:\/\/",
    "opening_hours": {
        "open_now": false,
        "periods": [
                "open": {
                    "day": 0,
                    "time": "1100"
                "close": {
                    "day": 0,
                    "time": "1600"
                "open": {
                    "day": 1,
                    "time": "1100"
                "close": {
                    "day": 1,
                    "time": "1600"
                "open": {
                    "day": 2,
                    "time": "1100"
                "close": {
                    "day": 2,
                    "time": "1600"
                "open": {
                    "day": 3,
                    "time": "1100"
                "close": {
                    "day": 3,
                    "time": "1600"
                "open": {
                    "day": 4,
                    "time": "1100"
                "close": {
                    "day": 4,
                    "time": "1600"
                "open": {
                    "day": 5,
                    "time": "1100"
                "close": {
                    "day": 5,
                    "time": "1600"
                "open": {
                    "day": 6,
                    "time": "1100"
                "close": {
                    "day": 6,
                    "time": "1600"